EME2040 Blog Journal #7

 I visited the Leon County School District website and went through a few of their elementary schools to find teacher websites. I stayed within the K-5 range because that is what I want to teach in the future. I looked through a lot of different class websites for different grade levels, subjects, and schools. One thing I noticed that I really liked was I saw one teacher post math, science, and reading games under student resources. This really stood out to me because I feel it is so important for students to continue their learning at home and this is a way to make that learning fun for children. https://www.leonschools.net/Page/37478 

During my field experience last year for my Introduction to Education class I got to see how teachers integrated technology into their classrooms. This gave me a really realistic view of technology in a classroom of younger students and gave me a lot of ideas of things I want to incorporate into my classroom. One of the biggest things I saw used in classrooms was ClassDojo. This is a resource that has a variety of uses but the main one I saw it being used for was classroom management. Each student had a little character on the screen and when they finished their activity they could go up to the screen and add a point for their character. These points add up and they get a reward after a certain number of points. I really liked this idea because it had all the students staying on task and they wanted more points. 

Assignment 2 was definitely a learning curve for me. I wouldn't say I am super well versed in Canvas so I had to use the tutorials posted and the tutorials I found on YouTube. However, once I figured out what I was doing it became so much easier and making canvas pages is a super useful tool to have. I really liked how on Canvas groups everything can be collaborative, you don't need to write somewhere else then post it in the Canvas page, you can write directly on the page. This was a super useful feature for group projects. 


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