EME2040 Blog Journal 8

     When designing my website I used a lot of design principles to make sure information stood out and caught the eye. While I have done projects like this in the past, this was the first time I really paid attention to the design principles and how they work together to form a cohesive design. I used pictures to make the information stand out more and used font colors to make the information easily visible against the background. Most teachers have websites so these will definitely be skills I can use in the future. Even if I'm not required to have a website in my future career, I can use these design techniques to make PowerPoints, lessons, and more classroom materials. My Website

    Before this class I was very against using AI tools like ChatGPT and other similar applications. However, through this class I have seen how helpful these tools can be and they're not always bad. I have started to use ChatGPT for help on assignments if I have questions about definitions or grammar. I don't feel that AI should be used as a source on its own, however. AI can be inaccurate or give false information so when I use it for my classes or to find definitions of words I always fact check it with another reliable source. 

    My perception of AI resources like ChatGPT changed a lot through this class. Before this class I didn't think it could be useful at all, I thought it was an easy way out and not super morally right to use. This class has shown me, however, ways to use ChatGPT as a resource in my learning and academic career. As long as I fact check the information given to me by AI it can be a very helpful resource in going me easy to understand definitions and formulas. AI chats are definitely something that needs to be addressed with students and as a teacher I plan on addressing it with my future students by going over what is academically allowed versus what is plagiarism so students know how they can use it to help them without putting their academic careers at risk.

    I do feel that using AI tools can increase productivity but I also think its a very fine line because there are some things only teachers can do. I think that many things in the classroom need to be tailored to specific classroom and student needs, these are things teachers and people can do but robots can't. However I do think that by using AI to make lesson plans and do other things it gives teachers more time for instruction and their students. This is just something that I feel can't just be done by AI but needs a teacher to check it and make adjustments as needed.


  1. Hi Amanda,
    I love the images you used on your website, they were colorful and contrasted well with the white background of your website. The text was all easy to read, and the elements of the website were in a fashion where it could be read from up to down. Also, I like the announcements and activities you listed for your class because they are realistic. Great job!


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