EME2040 Blog Post #4

     I chose the 1st grade LAFS.1.RI.2.5 standard to look at. This standard say that first graders should be able to know and use various text features to locate key details in a text. Text features include things like glossaries, table of contents, headings, and more. Based on my current skill set I do not feel ready to teach this to a classroom full of first graders because while I know I can meet that standard I don't know if I have all the necessary knowledge to teach others how to meet that standard. I think I could teach this with my current skill set but I do feel that I need more school and knowledge to be more successful at it. 

    I also chose to look at the first grade educator toolkit through the CPALMS website. I looked through the mathematics ones and found many helpful resources, such as lesson plans, activities, and more. While I do feel it is important for teachers to cater their lessons and activities to their classes because every student is different, these resources are great as a starting point. I'm someone who is nervous a lot about doing something wrong and as a teacher I could use these resources to help me in my own plans to keep me on track with other educators and make me feel more secure I'm right. 

    Internet searching is so important as a teacher because it is a job where research is so important. I did not know how much there was to internet searching, I always just simply googled things and expected to get the answers I wanted. Learning everything about internet searching in class really opened my eyes to new tools and resources to make my searching and research more efficient and accurate. One thing I can definitely see myself using not just in my future as a teacher but also in my future as a student is using the subtraction sign when searching something to not get results including that key word. 


  1. Hi Amanda,

    I enjoyed reading your post, mostly because I can relate to your responses as an elementary education major myself. I agree that it would be challenging to teach first graders about the difference between the features of a text. It’s a lot of information for such a young mind to process, especially since for example, the table of contents contains a lot of smaller text and requires the reader to turn to a specific page (which tests how well a student can navigate through a text). Therefore, education students surely need more preparation to help students understand concepts like these. I love how you mentioned that lesson plans are starting points for how teachers can create their lessons. Teachers should modify lesson plans to suit their manner of teaching and according to student accommodations to create a fair classroom environment for all. About the Internet searching techniques, I too was surprised to see that you can filter searches without a specific term by putting a “-“ symbol behind it.


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