EME2040 Blog Journal 6

 My first experience using Diigo was to highlight an academic article and to bookmark an article to the classroom page. I really liked how if I was to use Diigo in my classroom students can see what other students highlight and annotate, I feel it is very interactive in this way. I don't know if I would ever use the other features in my classroom such as bookmarking an article because I felt it was a little confusing and not really intended for younger students. I am planning on going into elementary education so whether or not to use web based resources like this one will depend a lot on the resources the school has. Will the students each have a computer they have access to? If so, then I feel Diigo would be an asset to the classroom.

So far in my blogging process I have liked creating blogs each week with how I am feeling, it is a little similar to journaling in that way. I definitely like having specific prompts each week because I feel like they focus my posts and otherwise I have no idea what I would write about. I have learned a lot about what it takes to run a blog regularly and have gained a lot of respect for the people that do it during this process. Blogging each week about the actives we do in class has given me time and a space to really properly reflect on what I liked and didn't like, which is something I really enjoy.

One Web 2.0 tool I feel I will probably implement in my classroom is Flipgrid. This is a resource that allows students to record videos of themselves and post them to the class where they can then interact with other classmates videos. This was a tool I have really enjoyed as a student. It was nice to interact with others students and I felt like I got more out of a lesson when recording a video of me talking about other than writing a paper. This tool is also really great for students of all ages so I feel it can be easily implemented in an elementary classroom. https://info.flip.com/en-us.html  


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