EME2040 Blog Post #1

Hi everyone!

    My name is Amanda and I am a current freshman in college. My major is elementary education and I hope to be a teacher one day. I love working with kids and have had past experience teaching kids dance, this inspired my elementary education journey. Some other things I enjoy are reading, cooking, and baking. I also love to stay active by going on walks and going to the gym. 

    I feel that I have a good amount of experience using technology as a student in an educational setting. However, I don't have any experience using technology as a teacher in an educational setting. I also feel that with technology there is always room to grow and learn more, as there are always new things. I feel that this educational technology class will benefit me as a future educator and as a student by teaching me more about technology.

    I use many resources to help support my learning needs and goals. I use my school's libraries as a quiet study space. I also use people in my life like family members who have more experience than me in an area to help me in those classes. I also use online resources like group chats and class discussions to help me figure out answers to questions I may have regarding a class I'm struggling in. All these resources help me a lot in meeting my education goals.  


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