EME2040 Blog Post #2

Microsoft Type Cover 2 by Nicola is licensed by CC by 2.0

    My first time using MS word was as a college student. In my K-12 school years I solely used Google applications, like Google docs. I feel like this was pretty common in my school district and school districts around me, I don't know very many people who have MS office experience before college. I definitely gravitate more towards Google docs over MS word because I find it much easier to use, but this might just be because it was what I grew up and learned about in school. As I get more used to MS word and use it more often I'm sure I will get more comfortable with it. 

    I do agree with the label "digital native" for today's youth because their whole lives have revolved around technology. To me a digital native means someone who is completely up to date and comfortable with new and old technology. A digital native also learns better with technology and wants to learn more. I don't feel that being a digital native or digital immigrant is completely dependent on age but I do think that more digital natives are young people and more digital immigrants are older people. I have seen differences between me and some of my older teachers in high school, a lot of the times they couldn't get their screens to work on zoom or it took them longer to set up the technology we would use in class, while the answer to the problems seemed so obvious to us students. I anticipate that I will keep up with new technology for many years to come to hopefully lessen that technology gap between me and my future audience, but if there is something I don't know its very easy to google or ask my audience for help.  

    The ISTE Standard that was most meaningful to me was the first one, Learner. This standard really stood out to me because it is so important to continue to be a learner even when you are technically done with your schooling. Technology is constantly changing and in order to stay up to date on what's new you have to continue to learn and educate yourself. I think that this standard stood out the most to me because being a learner is something I really prioritize right now and it is something I want to continue to prioritize when I'm done with school and in my career. 


  1. Hi Amanda!
    I am surprised you hadn’t used MS Word before college. For me, in my elementary school we had a class dedicated to getting us aquatinted with computers and different systems and they primarily used Microsoft programs. But I agree that Google applications are much easier and I too prefer Google Docs over MS Word.


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