
Showing posts from March, 2024

EME Blog Journal 9

    In my experience so far with EME2040 I have really appreciated the way the lectures guide us through all the assignments. I never feel lost on big assignments or even small participation activities because we always go over them in class and there's time for questions. It does however feel a little repetitive in the structure which can get boring. It feels like its the same amount of lecture to participation items each week and the repetitiveness of it can make some things feel unimportant. I want to teach elementary school so the ways I can try to improve the classroom experience are very different than that of a college classroom but I do feel that it's important to switch things up and promote diversity within the curriculum and activities I choose.      OER or open educational resources are resources for education that are able to be shared and used by anyone. These are resources that are open to the public. I read the Education Week article about OER . In this article

EME2040 Blog Journal 8

      When designing my website I used a lot of design principles to make sure information stood out and caught the eye. While I have done projects like this in the past, this was the first time I really paid attention to the design principles and how they work together to form a cohesive design. I used pictures to make the information stand out more and used font colors to make the information easily visible against the background. Most teachers have websites so these will definitely be skills I can use in the future. Even if I'm not required to have a website in my future career, I can use these design techniques to make PowerPoints, lessons, and more classroom materials.  My Website     Before this class I was very against using AI tools like ChatGPT and other similar applications. However, through this class I have seen how helpful these tools can be and they're not always bad. I have started to use ChatGPT for help on assignments if I have questions about definitions or gr